As with many other establishments, fast food restaurants benefit from bollards. These safety and security products offer numerous applications that help protect employees, customers, and the restaurant itself. Review what makes bollards must-haves at fast food restaurants below.
Drive-Thru Menu Protection
Most fast-food establishments have large drive-thru menus that make it easy for customers to find and order what they want. Placing permanent, or high-security, bollards around these menus protects them from vehicular collisions. Not everyone who visits fast food establishments pays attention, especially if they are tired, intoxicated, or distracted for any reason. Permanent bollards stop vehicles going up to 50 miles an hour, thereby easily protecting drive-thru menus. Wayward drivers hit the bollards, not the menus which can take serious time and effort to replace.
Parking Lot Protection
Plenty of fast food restaurants feature adjacent parking lots so customers can eat in- house if they wish. Surrounding such parking lots with bollards is a welcome idea, especially if the establishment is located in a busy urban area or along a high-traffic street, such as the White Horse Pike and Black Horse Pike in Southern New Jersey. It is not uncommon for a string of fast-food restaurants to be featured on such roads. Permanent bollards provide invaluable parking lot protection, as they prevent wayward
drivers from hitting other drivers in the lot, parked cars, and pedestrians.
Drive-Thru Window Protection
Installing permanent bollards around drive-thru windows in fast-food restaurants is a good idea, especially if these windows jut out from the buildings. Bollards protect the windows and the employees working out of them to avoid potentially disastrous collisions. Employees feel much better reaching out of these windows when they know high-security bollards are protecting them. Permanent bollards also help avoid expensive drive-thru window glass replacements.
General Building Protection
Some fast food establishments feature staggered permanent bollards around the buildings. These bollards not only protect fast food buildings from dents, dings, scratches, and other damage, they also help drivers navigate. Typically painted bright colors, such as bright yellow, such bollards make it easier for drivers to exit the restaurant lots.
Sign Protection
Yet another use for bollards at fast food establishments is sign-related. For example, say the establishment features a sign on a tall pole that reads “DRIVE-THRU.” Placing a bollard next to this tall sign helps avoid costly vehicle collisions. Find the bollards your fast food restaurant needs today at 1800Bollards.