Parking lots are some of the most dangerous places for drivers and pedestrians. People are constantly coming and going, whether on foot or behind the wheel and they are not always aware of their immediate surroundings. Looking for parking spots, grocery carts, and where vehicles were parked are among the most common reasons for pedestrian and driver-related distractions. If you are a business owner whose commercial property includes a parking lot, consider scheduling bollard installations. Bollards benefit parking lot safety in many ways that make them outstanding investments. Take a moment to learn about the top safety benefits as you think about what’s best for your lot.
They Create A Virtually Impenetrable Barrier
High-security crash-rated bollards are typically made of cement and can withstand the impact of vehicles going up to 50 miles an hour. When installed around a parking lot perimeter, they create a barrier that prevents intoxicated, distracted, and drowsy drivers from inflicting injuries and property damage. Wayward drivers can accidentally cause hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars worth of vehicle and lot property damage, as well as severe or fatal injuries. By staggering bollards around your parking lot, you are demonstrating a commitment to safety. Consumers and employees enjoy greater peace of mind as a result.
They Help Pedestrians Navigate the Lot
As shoppers walk to and from their cars to your business, they must constantly be aware of drivers to avoid accidents and injuries. If your parking lot features a median, it provides a space for consumers to walk on but does not protect them from injuries. Flanking the median with high-security bollards creates a safe area for pedestrians, keeping them out of harm’s way. Even if your lot does not feature a median, using bollards to create safe walkways is something worth mulling over. Decreasing the risk of accidents reduces your commercial property’s premise liability risk, which saves money on related legal costs. The business’s reputation does not suffer related damages, either.
They Create Designated Pickup & Dropoff Areas
Removable bollards lend themselves to a wide range of situations and environments, including makeshift pickup and dropoff areas. If your business recently started providing pickup and or dropoff services, bollards create designated areas that improve safety. Bold-colored bollards make it clear that the area should be avoided by anyone it does not concern, which helps streamline pickup and dropoff processes. Find the ideal bollards for your parking lot today at 1800Bollards.