Bollards are essential for communities and cities throughout the country, as they enhance safety and security, provide wayfaring assistance, and so much more. Bollards greatly enhance the safety and protection of Civic Centers and the areas that surround them in many ways. Check out some of the many utilizations for bollards at civic
1. Building Protection
Permanent, or high-security, bollards are frequently placed in front of civic center buildings and most other commercial structures. They are usually installed at the curbs of such buildings to prevent wayward drivers from driving up on the sidewalks and possibly hitting people, large planters and sculptures, and the buildings themselves. Permanent bollards stop vehicles going up to 50 miles an hour, often preventing serious or catastrophic injuries.
Any civic center building featuring significant glass in its design requires permanent bollards since glass is more susceptible to damage than other building materials.
2. Parking Lot Protection
Depending on the size of the civic center, multiple parking lots may be present. These lots can face busy streets or other high-traffic areas, such as lanes within the grounds. Surrounding parking lots with permanent bollards creates virtually impenetrable barriers that prevent intoxicated, drowsy, and distracted drivers from making contact with parked cars, other drivers, and pedestrians.
People and cars coming and going mean parking lots are some of the most dangerous places to be. Permanent bollards subsequently provide invaluable protection and peace of mind.
3. Restricted Area Designation
If some areas of civic centers are restricted for any reason, retractable bollards can be utilized. They retract only when certain codes, cards, or key fobs are used, limiting access to the buildings or areas behind them. Using bollards in this way helps manage traffic in and out of restricted areas, which assists with organization, increases safety, and can even lower employee stress.
4. Utility Box Protection
Utility meters and similar objects can cause serious injuries if struck or tampered with. Placing bollards, such as permanent or removable options, around them makes it extra clear they are off limits. It is generally best to pair the bollards with warning signage for safety and liability reasons. Then, anyone who tampers with such boxes/structures cannot sue if they sustain injuries, because they ignored the bollards and any related warning signs.
These are just some of the many ways bollards enhance civic centers! Find what your civic center needs at 1800Bollards today.