Maintaining safety in a bank is naturally a top priority, as is maintaining safety around it. Bollards help with exterior safety and security in numerous ways, all of which contribute to management and staff peace of mind. Review some of the top uses for bollards at banks below.
1. ATM Protection
Placing permanent, or high security, bollards around bank ATMs is a must. Not only do bollards help keep customers safe while using the ATMs, but they also protect the automatic teller machines themselves. Sometimes, unscrupulous individuals try to steal ATMs or try to break into them to get the cash out. Bollards are therefore safety as well as security products where ATMs are concerned.
2. Building Corner Protection
The corners of banks can sustain premature wear and tear from vehicles. A driver might be distracted and accidentally hit the building corner before moving on to the teller window. Placing permanent bollards at all applicable bank building corners prevents wear and tear such as chips, dings, and scratches. If the bank is in an old building, such as a historic landmark building, using bollards in this way is even more important.
3. Front Entrance Protection
Many banks feature glass front panels and doors. And while such glass is extra strong, it is still a good idea to place permanent bollards along the front sidewalk. This prevents drivers from crashing into the bank fronts, whether by accident or on purpose. The bollards should be staggered so wayward vehicles cannot drive between them and access the bank.
4. Courtyard Protection
Some banks feature adjoining courtyards or similar green areas for their staff and customers to enjoy. Surrounding these areas with attractive permanent bollards provides a layer of protection, which is extra essential if the courtyard is located in a busy urban area. Bollards help prevent intoxicated, distracted, and sleepy drivers from making contact with the green area when they are installed.
5. Parking Lot Protection
Bank parking lots benefit from permanent bollards as well. These bollards create protective barriers around the lots to avoid wayward driver-related damage and injuries. Customers can come and go without worrying about traffic on the nearby street. Since parking lots are dangerous due to drivers and pedestrians constantly coming and going, adding bollards to such lots is always a good idea. Again, if the bank is located in a bustling urban area, using bollards for parking lot protection is even more important. Browse the bollards at 1800Bollards today.